Brevi Racconti
Dal 24 al 27 Giugno 2010 a Milano — Dal 16 al 25 Luglio 2010 ad Asolo

This project explores a world which does not exist, surreal, built on the imagery of fairytale places. the artists travel those places whit their own sensibility, breaking freely with common references and fixed schemes of our vision. This exhibition brings to life the essence of inner reality in a collective way, the individual narratives putting into focus the here and now so strongly that they take us to worlds more distant.
Organized by Grafiche Antiche + Numérique
In collaboration with Circustudio
Print Materia
Fondazione la Fornace
Bellini by Canella
Camera di commercio di Treviso
Treviso design
With the support of Trend

Simone Bergantini - Alan Chies - Bea de Giacomo - Esperimentocinema - Stefano Galuzzi - Carlotta Manaigo - Esther Mathis - Desislava Pantcheva - Marco Pietracupa - Agne Raceviciute - Lele Saveri - Van Mossevelde+N
DateDal 24 al 27 Giugno 2010 a Milano — Dal 16 al 25 Luglio 2010 ad Asolo
Milano - Circustudio, Via E. Pestalozzi 4
Asolo - Fondazione la Fornace, Via Strada Muson 2/C